Georgia Workers Compensation Attorney
If you have been injured on the job, you will quickly encounter numerous challenges. It is possible that you may be unable to return to work, or if you are able to return, you may only return on a part-time basis depending on the examining doctor’s diagnosis. Worst case scenario could be that you are permanently injured thereby preventing you from ever returning to work, and subject to a lifetime of expensive treatment. In each of these scenarios, you often will have to deal with employers who are not treating you fairly. You must follow the list of employee actions as posted in the workplace when submitting a claim for payment of work-comp benefits:
- notify employer of injury
- seek immediate medical care
- document accident details
- accurately explain accident
- list all witnesses
- notify your insurance carrier
Work Comp Lawyer in Moultrie, Tifton & Cordele
An employer may deny your workers’ compensation claim or try to limit your recovery to an amount much less than what you legally deserve. Employers often are fearful that their premiums could increase if they pay you what you truly deserved. That is why residents of Cordele, Ocilla, Douglas, Nashville, Fitzgerald, Hazlehurst, Tifton, Ashburn, Adel, Abbeville, Sylvester, McRae and Moultrie often need a local workers’ compensation attorney who will be on their side during this process. At Dove Law Firm, our lawyers will fight for your rights for payment of necessary medical care, lost wages, and when necessary, disability benefits.

Connect With Us
We are proud to serve the counties of Irwin, Ben Hill, Crisp, Wilcox, Jeff Davis, Coffee, Tift, Dooly, Atkinson, Colquitt, Berrien, and Dodge. We are appreciative of the opportunity to serve the cities of Ocilla, Fitzgerald, Abbeville, Eastman, Hazelhurst, Tifton, Douglas, Moultrie, Nashville, Enigma, and Cordele.
Request a Free Consultation
If you believe you may have a case, fill out our online contact form or call us when you’re ready, at (229) 468-0832.